Sunday, November 23, 2008

November Football

Jamey's family are avid football fans, and they are also huge fans of the UTEP Miners, even though none of them live in El Paso anymore. So everytime the Miners are playing anywhere in the vicinity, they try to be there to support their team.

Last weekend Jamey's brother Joey brought his wife Gladys, and Gladys's daughters Mayra and Jessica to Houston so we could all go to the UTEP/UH football game at Robertson Stadium. It was a beautiful day for a football game--perfect weather, beautiful blue skies, and lots and lots of UTEP Miner fans. Jamey had to leave early because he got to work the Round 2 AAAA State Playoff Game in Deer Park--he got to operate one of the video cameras and did a good job, evidently--7 of the replay highlights on the jumbo-tron (yes, they have  JUMBO-TRON at the high school stadiums here) were from his camera! 

The Miners lost 42 to 35, but it was a nail-biter to the very last second and we had a ball. 

Here are some photos from our day of fun--enjoy!

Jessica and Joey at the UTEP tailgate party

Crazy UTEP fan. He was actually a lot of fun through the whole game--kept us excited.

Gladys and Joey

Mayra, getting into the spirit of things...

The UT Band on the field

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The La Portians

So now you've met our new fridge and you know that we have a strong affinity for our new President, but you might want to know a little bit about us. So here we are:

Stacey is an arts aficionado and communications professional who is currently without job, but hopeful that she'll find a position soon. For eight years she was the host of the radio program "State of the Arts" that aired in El Paso, Texas every Thursday. She was also an accomplished actress and writer when she lived in El Paso, and hopes to have the chance to use those skills in the Houston area. Stacey is a bookworm, she loves to travel and explore new places, she's a decent dancer and she loves to cook. Every week she makes a valiant attempt at solving the Sunday New York Times Crossword puzzle, and she tries to volunteer in the community whenever she gets a chance. 

Jamey is an uber-geek--he's the Director of Instructional Technology for the La Porte Independent School District. Yeah, he speaks Geek. But he's awesome because in addition to knowing everything about how a computer works and what computers can do to make life easier for people, he also speaks English, and is very charming and funny. Music is another of his favorite things: he has his own radio show, Audiosyncracy, that airs every Sunday on the local NPR affiliate in El Paso, Texas. He's also fluent in sports, theater, sailing, home repair, weather patterns and trivia. And he can do the Samurai Sudoku puzzle in one hour or less!

So we have four cats. Eccentric? A bit. But Jamey's kids are gone and they have their own room in the house so it isn't so bad. We inherited them when we lived in El Paso, and they made the treck to Houston with us last April and are very very happy living on the East coast. They stay inside, but nevertheless they've discovered lizards, bugs, green things and lots of neighborhood cats who like to come and talk to them through the door. Since you'll have to meet them if you ever come visit our house, we'd better introduce them too: 

George was our first cat. She (yes, she) was much skinnier when she first started howling outside of our door, so we fed her tuna fish. We thought she'd be an outdoor cat, but she had other ideas. Before we knew it she had insinuated herself in our lives, and she has driven us insane for the past eight years. Her name is actually a tribute to our soon-to-be past-President Bush. She came to us during the 2000 election season. She was sitting under the television when Bush was debating Gore, and we realized that the look on his face when Bush squinted his eyes and made a "serious" point matched the look on her face when she was trying to get food. So we named her George. I don't think she's ever forgiven us for that...George was lonely, so we auditioned the neighborhood cats to be her companion. The winner was Banzai--full name Buckaroo Banzai, the Happiest Cat in the World.

Banzai got the part of Second Cat with his natural good looks, charming personality, and ability to quickly grasp the concept of a litter box. He's awesome and ev
erybody loves him. He has a propensity to eat rubber, a habit that has caused us more money than should be spent on a pet...

Oliver is a ham. Stacey found him in the backyard one night when he was just a tiny kitten, bawling his newly -opened eyes out because his mother (the hussy) had abandoned him. She was probably pushing him in our direction because she knew that Stacey would take him in. And she did. He and Banzai got along famously, so we let him stay...

Furbie is the baby of the family and he's really shy, but very cute. He has a pathetic little mew and a way of brushing up against you to let you know that he wants to be pet. Most visitors don't ever see him because he hides under the bed when new people come in, but sometimes he makes an appearance.

So that's our little family in La Porte! Nice to meet you!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Our New Fridge

Yesterday we got a new fridge--an event that was slightly less exciting, and much less relevant, than Obama's victory. But we're happy about it. Here's the new addition:

Note the ice maker in the door. Could life be any more exciting??

Our other fridge is now in the garage, so we'll have cold cokes when you all come to visit. That means you actually have to come visit, though :)

Posted via Pixelpipe.

Yes, We Can

It was so incredibly exciting to see all of the major networks declare Barack Obama to be the 44th President of the United States just a few moments ago. This is a spectacular moment in our nation's history and the next four years will be eye-opening for a lot of people--in the very best way. 

Senator Obama will certainly give a spectacular speech later this evening, but I want to post the end of the inspirational speech he gave in New Hampshire in January of this year, because that speech captures so eloquently what this race has been about, at least for me and I hope for Jamey: 

"And, together, we will begin the next great chapter in the American story, with three words that will ring from coast to coast, from sea to shining sea: Yes, we can." 

So, as Senator Obama said just before he said goodnight to us at the rally we attended in Houston years ago, "Let's go change the world." 

election day 2008

This is a historic day in America's history, so what better day to make history of our own by writing our very first blog post.

Jamey and I have been following this election closely, just like the rest of the country, and we've been excited about Barack Obama since we first heard his Democratic National Convention Address in 2004. We went to two Obama rallys in Houston during the Primary season and at both of them Senator Obama made us happy that we were supporting him.

It has been very interesting to watch this election season from the heart of Red State territory, and especially interesting to see how many people actually do support Obama. The Houston Chronicle endorsed him over McCain on October 19--you can read that endorsement here. That said all we needed to know about just how Red this part of Texas actually is. Jamey is predicting that Texas in general, Harris County in particular, will be much closer than everyone expects; I think he's right.

So we'll be tuning in this evening, rooting for change and hoping for few election snafoos.

Watch this spot for future posts, and the return of the Top 20/Bottom 10 from La Porte, Texas.
