Monday, April 13, 2009

Catching Up!

Time sure flies by, and this year has been no exception. 

We've been really busy but haven't had a chance to post any of our latest adventures, so the following posts will catch you up on the Homecoming of the Boat in January, our visit to the Houston Rodeo in March, Spring Break in March with Jackie and Evan, our visit to Brazos Bend over Spring Break, where the Mighty Mighty Alligator Hunters had lots of photo ops, and our Easter weekend in High Island, where we saw lots of birds and even more of the ubiquitous alligator. 


1 comment:

Margo said...

Hi Stacey and Jamey! I just found your blog through Kellie's and wanted to say hi! Looks like I'll have to catch up on all your adventures!
--I haven't been blogging much this year but I enjoy keeping up with family and friends on here.